Monarch Sister Schools Program
The Monarch Sister Schools Program (MSSP) is an initiative spearheaded by Natural Partners to involve schools children across North America in the protection and restoration of the habitat of the Monarch butterfly, including its threatened winter habitat in the highlands of central Mexico and its disappearing milkweed habitat along its migratory 'flyway' from Mexico to Canada.
The Program provides the support that teachers need to get started, plant a Monarch garden in their schoolyard, establish a relationship with a 'sister school' in Mexico, and help them do a project with their sister school's community to help protect or restore a Monarch winter sanctuary under pressure from illegal loggers.
For more information, including how to enroll, please visit the program website: www.monarchsisterschools.org
Natural Partners -- with its local partners Apremavi and Instituto Rã-Bugio -- has completed design work on two major projects to preserve critical areas of Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest , one of the world's most biodiverse areas, but with just 7% still standing, also one of the most threatened, namely:
- A project with Apremavi to work with local communities to protect over 85,000 acres (125 sq. miles) of the Atlantic Rainforest, while helping local landowners adopt ‘best practices’ for the sustainable use of their farmland and forests and protection of local watersheds.
- A second project with Instituto Rã-Bugio, a premier environmental education group widely covered on Brazilian TV, to purchase and manage a near-pristine 2,000 acre tract of Atlantic Rainforest for a regional ‘ecological corridor’.
As shown in yellow on the map below, the Atlantic Rainforest runs from the upper NE corner to Brazil to the south of Brazil then inland to east Paraguay.
The Araucaria Forest Adoption Program, Brazil
To prevent the complete disappearance of Araucaria Forest and rich history associated with it, Natural Partners has joined forces with Brazilian NGO Society for Wildlife Research and Environmental Education - SPVS to launch an "Adoption Program" for remnant areas of the forest. This pioneering initiative aims to encourage the 'drawning together' of those who, with the support of the two NGOs, can help save the Araucaria Forest: local companies and landowners who still have well-conserved remnant areas.
Download the Adoption Program brochure
The Pro-Araucaria Program
Natural Partners and its Brazilian partner SPVS have developed a program to begin the creation of corridors of private protected areas in Brazil's Araucaria Forest, one of the world's most endangered ecosystems with less than 1% of its original area still in good condition. Currently, the two organizations are searching for companies in Brazil and other countries interested in investing in the Program. For more information on this Program and its first Pilot Project, please contact Natural Partners representatives in Brazil and USA.

To learn more about the Araucaria Forest, its history, its biological richness, and its defenders, we suggest you consider purchasing the book "Araucária - A Floresta do Brasil Meridional" with photos by Zig Koch and text by Maria Celeste Corrêa (and English translation by Peggy Distéfano).
http://www.zigkoch.com/livro_araucaria.html |